About Me

Our stories bring us together so let me tell you mine

About Me

Our stories bring us together so let me tell you mine

The Beginning

I identify as a ‘Scouse-Bumpkin’. I was born in Liverpool into a very working class family, grew up in the West Country, moved back to Liverpool twice (after trying out London, Surrey, Warwickshire and Australia) and I am now settled living in East Devon so I can be close to the coastline and countryside I loved so much as a child.

I was a shy child, with big dreams and at age 22 with no job and no prospects I packed my bag and moved to Liverpool to stay with my grandfather. With no more than an A-Z street map and a growing drive, within three days I secured a job and from that moment on I focused on overcoming my shyness and creating a career and life I could be proud of.

Transformation One

After leaving the West Country I started to bloom as my life, confidence and self-esteem blossomed. I graduated from the University of Liverpool and carved out a thriving career in people development working within Social Welfare organisations, such as: Education, Skills and Employability, Health and Social Care and Charities. My career led me internationally supporting with new business projects and ventures in Australia, China, Poland and the UAE. But the limiting beliefs that plagued me as a child continued to drive my ambition in unsustainable ways, impacting my psychological wellbeing negatively.

Transformation One

After leaving the West Country I started to bloom as my life, confidence and self-esteem blossomed. I graduated from the University of Liverpool and carved out a thriving career in people development working within Social Welfare organisations, such as: Education, Skills and Employability, Health and Social Care and Charities. My career led me internationally supporting with new business projects and ventures in Australia, China, Poland and the UAE. But the limiting beliefs that plagued me as a child continued to drive my ambition in unsustainable ways, impacting my psychological wellbeing negatively.

Breaking Point

After a decade of flying high and fast my mental health took a turn for the worse. Starting with high levels of stress (symptoms I ignored) leading to burnout which caused me to be involved in a car accident forcing me to take a career sabbatical. It was during this time that my mental health deteriorated further into anxiety, depression and then agoraphobia, all of which impacted my physical health leading to obesity.

My experience of having to wait 16 weeks to be referred to a counsellor motivated me to develop my own recovery plan, leaning into the skills and knowledge I had developed at University, whilst studying Criminology (specifically the psychological elements). Through my research and determination to take back control of my mental health and life, I retrained as a psychotherapist and business strategist, developed my own recovery plan and eventually had bariatric surgery to deal with my obesity, where I then learnt of my ADHD.

Transformation Two

I transitioned once again, this time from corporate leader to self-employed Psychotherapist and Coach, only this time with a thriving mind thanks to developing optimal psychological wellbeing with my 8Wise method. With my new healthier happier mind, I founded two companies, as well as published four books and hosted a global podcast, all based on my signature methodology, 8Wise™, which I firmly believe is the blueprint for developing optimal mental health and wellbeing and a happier healthy life.

Transformation Two

I transitioned once again, this time from corporate leader to self-employed Psychotherapist and Coach, only this time with a thriving mind thanks to developing optimal psychological wellbeing with my 8Wise method. With my new healthier happier mind, I founded two companies, as well as published four books and hosted a global podcast, all based on my signature methodology, 8Wise™, which I firmly believe is the blueprint for developing optimal mental health and wellbeing and a happier healthy life.

How I Work

I made a decision as a professional coach and therapist, to focus on supporting clients who are experiencing issues that I myself have personally experienced and overcome.

I believe this helps us develop stronger rapport, a deeper level of trust and leads to enhanced levels of empathy and understanding. I want my personal story and lived experience along with my professional knowledge and skills, to support you in your coaching and therapy journey.

I’m renowned for my straight talking ‘tough love’ approach, I like to keep things simple and practical, because the chaos of life can be complicated enough. I am also fully aware that no one can make the changes for you, so my role is to support you, guide you and motivate you using a wide range of tools and techniques so you can take positive action and start building the life you want with a healthier happier mind and new sense of confidence and clarity.

How I Work

I made a decision as a professional coach and therapist, to focus on supporting clients who are experiencing issues that I myself have personally experienced and overcome.

I believe this helps us develop stronger rapport, a deeper level of trust and leads to enhanced levels of empathy and understanding. I want my personal story and lived experience along with my professional knowledge and skills, to support you in your coaching and therapy journey.

I’m renowned for my straight talking ‘tough love’ approach, I like to keep things simple and practical, because the chaos of life can be complicated enough. I am also fully aware that no one can make the changes for you, so my role is to support you, guide you and motivate you using a wide range of tools and techniques so you can take positive action and start building the life you want with a healthier happier mind and new sense of confidence and clarity.